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2013 Northern California Sale Index to Photographs

Woodbridge Farm, Agent 3 Chestnut Filly by Square Eddie out of Generals Promise Photograph Here 4 Bay Filly by Tannersmyman out of Get the Money Photograph Here 17 Lucky Julie by Lucky J. H. out of Julies Desert Star Photograph Here 18 Katie’s No Lady by Comic Strip out of Katie’s Girl Photograph Here 20 Olmodiva by Olmodavor out of Kitty Galore Photograph Here 22 In the Big Leagues by Many Rivers out of League City Lady Photograph Here 25 Chestnut Colt by Tannersmyman out of Ma Ka Bet Photograph Here 29 Galatia Rose by Atticus out of Minuet in Gigi Photograph Here 38 Lucky Feelin by Lucky Pulpit out of Quite Clever Photograph Here 40 Chestnut Filly by Tannersmyman out of Ready Maid Photograph Here 50 Mitzi G by Desert Code out of Show Bug Photograph Here 54 Dark Bay or Brown Colt by Tannersmyman out of Smokey Lady Photograph Here 57 Gamer Babe by Lucky Pulpit out of Splendid Jaclyn Photograph Here 58 Pine River by Many Rivers... ...

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2013 Northern California Sale Index to Dams

Aim Higher: >70. Alpenwald: >71. Amybdancing: >101. Andoverend: >72. Bal d’Argent: >73. Bay Colony: >102. Belong to Parfait: >73A. Bold Request: >74. Brave Deed: >75. Brite Maggie: >76. Cantabile: >77. Cantina’s Rose: >78. Charm Alone: >79. Clever Frosty: >103. Comedy Girl: >80. Congo Kaye: >81. Continental Wine: >82. Cosmic Postcard: >83. Courtly Colors: >84. Craftique: >84A Creative Karen: >85. D. J.’s Chocolate: >90. Daily Grinder: >86. Dashingalltheway: >87. Deb’s Royal Flush: >88. Desert Pearls: >89. Divine Event: >89A Early Early Echo: >91. El Sierra Tahoe: >92. Empress of Dance: >93. Enid: >94. Ennui: >95. Excess Beauty: >104. Exploitive: >96. Five o’Clock Toddy: >1. Florik’s Baby: >1B Formal Rush: >1A. Fox On a Ridge: >2. Generals Promise: >3. Get the Money: >4. Glamour Cat: >5. Gonna Be a Beaute: >6. Granny Weatherwax: >7. Greenapplegal: >97. Heart Ofmy Heart: >98. Her Purple Heart: >8. Honorville: >9. Horsethief Moon: >10. Hula Honey: >11. Ice Cool Miss: >12. Icy n’ Elegant: >13. Icy Streak: >14. I’m a Princess: >15. Improvisation: >16. Jukebox Jazzbaby: >99. Julies Desert Star: >17. Kalemaat (GB): >17A. Katie’s Girl: >18. Kindnesses: >19. Kitty Galore: >20. Latinate: >21. League City Lady: >22. License to Speed: >23. Lots of Sunshine: >24. Ma Ka Bet: >25. Making Memories: >26. Mi Mi Mine: >27. Miner’s Gal: >28. Minuet in Gigi: >29. Ms Zenna: >30. Mz. Mazuma: >31. Nite Moon: >32. No Peso No Dance: >33. No Turbulence: >34. One Fourteen: >35. Perfect Choice: >35A. Pie Yammy: >36. Presidential Heat: >37. Quite Clever: >38.... ...

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2013 Northern California Sale Index to Sires

Atticus: Filly, >29. Awesome Gambler: Filly, >21, >26, >44. Gelding, >102. Behrens: Filly, >100. Brave Alex: Colt, >64. Brave Cat: Filly, >92. Bushwacker: Filly, >75. Gelding, >98. Chhaya Dance: Colt, >1B, >60A, >66B, >89A. Filly, >66A, >84A. Cindago: Filly, >45. Gelding, >11. Comic Strip: Filly, >18, >65. Del Mar Show: Colt,>1A,  >74. Filly, >39. Desert Code: Colt, >43, >70, >94. Filly, >27, >50, >61, >88. Don’tsellmeshort: Colt, >12, >13, >14, >16, >79. E Z Warrior: Filly, >41. Fairbanks: Gelding, >101. Forest Command: Colt, >32. Globalize: Filly, >84. Gelding, >99. Good Journey: Colt, >78. Grace Upon Grace: Filly, >59, >87. Grand Score: Colt, >85. Filly, >23. Heatseeker (IRE): Colt, >19. Filly, >60. Horse Greeley: Colt, >80. Kafwain: Colt, >1. Filly, >96. Gelding, >97. Lucky J. H.: Colt, >28, >51. Filly, >17, >33. Lucky Pulpit: Colt, >63, >67. Filly, >8, >38, >40A, >52, >56, >57, >72, >91. McCann’s Mojave: Colt, >35A. Majesticperfection: Filly, >95. Many Rivers: Colt, >22, >58. Marino Marini: Filly, >15, >36, >49. Mr. Broad Blade: Filly, >46. Old Topper: Gelding, >35. Olmodavor: Filly, >20, >55. Papa Clem: Filly, >5, >37, >42, >81, >89. Roi Charmant: Filly, >103. Sea of Secrets: Filly, >34, >66. Siberian Summer: Filly, >86. Sky Mesa: Colt, >48. Southern Image: Filly, >62, >104 Square Eddie: Filly, >3. Stevie Wonderboy: Colt, >53. Storm Wolf: Colt, >62A, >90. Stormy Jack: Filly, >31, >47, >82. Swiss Yodeler: Colt, >10, >73. Tannersmyman: Colt, >25, >54, >71. Filly, >4, >40, >69. Ten Most Wanted: Colt, >7. Tenga Cat: Colt, >77, >93. Filly, >68, >73A. The Pamplemousse: Filly, >17A. Thorn Song: Colt, >24, >76. Filly, >6. Tizbud: Colt, 100A Tizdejavu: Filly, >9. Tough Game: Colt, >30. Filly, >2. Under Caution: Filly, >83. ...

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2013 Northern California Sale Index to Consignors

Cheryl Bigon, Agent 2 Chestnut Filly by Tough Game out of Fox On a Ridge 30 Bay Colt by Tough Game out of Ms Zen 96 Dark Bay or Brown Filly by Kafwain out of Exploitive 100A Rappa by Tizbud out of Wishful Cat Cheryl Bigon, Agent for Roosevelt Ranch 9 Bay Filly by Tizdejavu out of Honorville Checkmate Thoroughbreds (Adrian Gonzalez), Agent 1A Delmar Spirit by Del Mar Show out of Formal Rush 39 Delmar Prankster by Del Mar Show out of Rare Slipper 68 Wondrous Cat by Tenga Cat out of Wondrous Event 73A Parafait Cat Tenga Cat out of Belong to Parfait 74 Delmar Ruler by Del Mar Show out of Bold Request 77 Tengas Way by Tenga Cat out of Cantabile 93 Cat King by Tenga Cat out of Empress of Dance Easterbrook Livestock Mgmt., Agent 32 Dark Bay or Brown Colt by Forest Command out of Nite Moon Easterbrook Livestock Mgmt., Agent for Dahlberg Farms LLC 90 Chocolate Storm by Storm Wolf out of D.... ...

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Prepare for Breeding Stock Sales

From NTRA LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 24, 2013) — For those attending the 2013 breeding stock sales, it is worth looking at a tax incentive that may apply to purchases this year. The Expense Provision allows the purchaser to expense (write-off) all or a portion of the purchase price of a horse or horses, including broodmare prospects.  This incentive can apply to a single purchase provided the horse qualifies and is placed in service in 2013. Since, like most tax provisions, there are technicalities which must be met, a purchaser who wants to use this provision should consult with their tax advisor to make sure it applies to their situation. Below are some details. A purchaser can deduct up to $500,000 of the cost of a horse or horses purchased in 2013, provided (1) the total of all purchases of horses and other depreciable business property does not exceed $2 million and (2) the horse is placed in service by the purchaser in 2013. If the purchase exceeds $2 million, the... ...

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OwnerView Launches Host Program

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 22, 2013) — To enhance the information available to prospective owners of Thoroughbred racehorses, OwnerView today announced a new service called “OwnerView Host.” The free service will provide a further source of basic information for people interested in owning Thoroughbred racehorses, covering topics such as business plans, ownership options, licensing, costs and expenses, and aftercare. “There is a lot of information available to prospective owners  before they hire a trainer or make that first horse purchase, and OwnerView hosts will help them digest many of the basics of owning Thoroughbred racehorses,” said Gary Falter, project manager for OwnerView. “We won’t offer specifics on the selection of agents, trainers, and horses, but we will explain where to go, how to make contacts, and what to do to become a Thoroughbred owner.” Anyone interested in using the OwnerView Host service can fill out a form at ownerview.com available through the link, “Contact us to discuss your plans.” “When we receive a request, we will reply to the prospective owner... ...

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California Cup Moved to Early 2014 as Part of Revamped Golden State Series

By Steve Andersen The California Cup will not be run in 2013, but will be moved to a date in January or early February at Santa Anita in 2014 as part of a revamped Golden State series for California-breds over the next 12 months. The California Thoroughbred Breeders Association released its 2013-2014 Golden State series schedule on Thursday, and the revised date for the Cal Cup is the most significant of several changes. Formed in 1990, the California Cup has been run each fall since its inception. The move to a mid-winter date is designed to boost an event that had struggled in recent years to draw attendance and handle support. The new Cal Cup program will feature a $250,000 Cal Cup Classic, worth $75,000 more than in 2012. The race has been switched from turf to dirt, while the distance remains 1 1/8 miles. Instead of the previously run Juvenile and Juvenile Fillies, the races for the foals of 2011 in 2014 will be a Derby and Oaks. The... ...

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The Jockey Club Releases Mares Bred Stats

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 17, 2013) — The Jockey Club today released Report of Mares Bred (RMB) statistics for the 2013 breeding season. Based on RMBs received through October 10, 2013, The Jockey Club reports that 1,698 stallions covered 34,174 mares in North America during 2013. The annual statistics represent approximately 90% of the mares that eventually will be reported as bred in 2013. According to historical trends, The Jockey Club expects to receive RMBs representing an additional 3,000 to 4,000 mares bred during the 2013 breeding season. The number of stallions declined 8.8% from the 1,861 reported at this time in 2012, and the number of mares bred fell 3.4% from the 35,391 reported at this time last year. The number of stallions covering 100 or more mares increased by one, from 87 in 2012 to 88 in 2013. These stallions accounted for a greater percentage of the total mares reported bred this year — 34.0% of all mares bred in 2013 versus 31.9% of all mares bred in 2012... ...

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NTRA Check-off Reminder

From NTRA WASHINGTON, D.C. (Aug. 29, 2013) — The NTRA asks you to join over 700 of your peers from 42 states and 10 countries who participated last year in the NTRA’s ¼% Check-off program. You can help the industry by supporting the program that funds horse racing’s federal legislative effort on Capitol Hill. Please fill out the enrollment form below and return it either to your consignor or to the sale company. Take a look at the attached promotional flyer for additional information, including an update from Capitol Hill. ¼% Check-off Enrollment Form      Promotional flyer How much is ¼%?  Contribution examples based on sale price: $10,000 sale price = $25 contribution $50,000 sale price = $125 contribution $100,000 sale price = $250 contribution ...

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2013 Northern California Sale Outs

CTBA Northern California Sale 2013 Northern California Sale Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, California Tuesday, August 13, 2013. The closing date for entries is June 3. For further information contact Cookie Hackworth at 626-445-7800 ext. 243 or email cookie@ctba.com Outs as of 8/12/13 are: Hip# 1A, 3, 5, 13, 36, 39, 42, 60A, 66A, 68, 69, 73A, 74, 77, 81, 83, 84A, 93, 94, 97 and 104 ...

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NorCal Sales Grad Wins at Sacramento

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (July 19, 2013) – Northern California Sales graduate Jedi Mind Trick won Friday’s sixth race for 2-year-olds at Sacramento. Jedi Mind Trick is by Don’tsellmeshort, out of the Ice Age mare Icy n’ Elegant, was bred by Running Luck Ranch, is owned by Diaz Racing Stable and Andreas Psarras and trained by Antonio Diaz. Jedi Mind Trick has one win in two starts with earnings of $11,128. He was a $2,500 purchase at last year’s Northern California Sale. ...

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2013 Northern California Yearling Sale

  Northern California Sale 2013 CTBA’s Northern California Yearling & Horses of Racing Age Sale Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, California Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Index to Consignors Index to Sires Index to Dams Index to Photographs Outs Dowload the PDF of the entire catalog Sales Results Edit ...

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Surfcup, Gervinho in Silky Sullivan

ALBANY, Calif. (June 6, 2013) – Surfcup returns from his Snow Chief Stakes win and Gervinho returns from a seven-month layoff in Sunday’s $100,000 Silky Sullivan Stakes at Golden Gate for 3-year-olds eligible to the Golden State Series. Alydidit is by Awesome Gambler, out of the Alydeed mare Brave Deed, was bred by Terry Lovingier, is owned by London, Winters, Templeton Horses and Lovingier and trained by Walther Solis. He has one win in 10 starts, earnings of $56,900 and is coming off a fifth in a May 24 starter’s allowance. Havoc is by Exchange Rate, out of the Saratoga Six mare Itsayatesthing, was bred by Nick Alexander, is owned by Joseph Morey Revocable Trust and trained by William Morey.  He has three wins in seven starts, earnings of $57,808 and is coming off a third in a May 19 optional claimer. Heat Streaker is by Heatseeker, out of the Rubiano mare Hazen, was bred by owner Nick Alexander and is trained by Steven Miyadi. He has one win in... ...

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$125,000 Tiznow Stakes KATE’S EVENT

INGLEWOOD, Calif. (Apr. 27, 2013) –Kate’s Event emerged from a cavalry charge at the finish to win Saturday’s $125,000 Tiznow Stakes for Golden State Series eligibles on the Gold Rush XIV card at Hollywood Park. Kate’s Event is by Event of the Year, out of the Mane Minister mare Nordidid, was bred by owner William Ziering, is trained by Jerry Hollendorfer and was ridden by Rafael Bejarano in his stakes debut. He has six wins in 16 starts, earnings of $317,190 and was coming off a win in an Apr. 7 optional claimer. Kate’s Event ran the 7 ½ furlongs in 1:29.31 and won by a half-length at odds of 4-1. Rock Me Baby was second and Planet Sunshine was third in the field of seven. For Kate’s Event’s pedigree, click http://www.pedigreequery.com/kates+event ...

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$300,000 Cal Breeders’ Champion TIZ A MINISTER

ARCADIA, Calif. (Jan. 26, 2013) – Tiz a Minister, with jockey Garrett Gomez copying the strategy he used for Qiaona in the filly version one race earlier, stormed from far back  to take Saturday’s $300,000 California Breeders’ Champion Stakes for 3-year-olds eligible to the Golden State Series on the Sunshine Millions card at Santa Anita. Tiz a Minister is by Ministers Wild Cat, out of the Cee’s Tizzy mare Tiz a Mistress, was bred by Dahlberg Farms, is owned by S.A.Y. Racing and trained by Paul Aguirre. The current owners claimed Tiz a Minister as a maiden for $40,000 out of his second start last August. The $6,500 Barretts purchase has two wins in nine starts, earnings of $246,780 and was coming off a second in a Jan. 10 starter’s allowance. Tiz a Minister, taken back to last by 15 lengths for the run down the backstretch, ran the mile in 1:36.56 on a wet-fast track at odds of 9-1 and won by 1 ¼ lengths, with odds-on favorite Omega... ...

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2012 Golden State Series Schedule

2012 GOLDEN STATE SERIES – $4.85 MILLION A RESTRICTED STAKES SCHEDULE FOR REGISTERED CALIFORNIA BRED OR SIRED HORSES Click here to see the complete schedule for 2012 Golden State Series Schedule. ...

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Weewinnin in King Glorious Shocker

INGLEWOOD, Calif. — Weewinnin, second-longest shot on the board at 60-1, ended a 4 ½-month layoff with a stunning victory in Sunday’s $200,000 King Glorious Stakes for 2-year-olds eligible for the Golden State Series at Betfair Hollywood Park. Weewinnin is by Comic Strip, out of the Roman Dancer mare Honoree Lady, was bred by Dr. and Mrs. William Gray, is owned by the Grays, E-Racing,com, Janet Lyons et al and is trained by Brian Koriner. He has two wins in three starts, earnings of $135,900 and was making his first start since a fourth in the Aug. 1 Graduation Stakes. His only other win was a $32,000 maiden claimer at Golden Gate in his June 12 debut. “I think the public was just looking at the Beyers (speed figures published in the Daily Racing Form) and said he just doesn’t belong,” Koriner said of the long odds. “He ran a freaky race when he broke his maiden. When he ran (fourth in the Graduation Stakes (Aug. 1) at Del Mar... ...

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Internet Poker Bill Could Surface

From NTRA WASHINGTON, D.C. (Dec. 13, 2012) — Internet gaming legislation may surface during the current lame duck session of Congress. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and other proponents may introduce a bill to legalize Internet poker, similar to what occurred in the lame duck session that followed the 2010 elections when Sen. Reid proposed a draft Internet gaming bill. The NTRA’s federal legislative team remains active in all discussions related to the development of Internet poker legislation due to its potential impact on horse racing. Such expansion of online gambling is certain to increase competition for our industry’s growing advance deposit wagering market. The NTRA will oppose unless our team secures a series of provisions that serve to protect horse racing. The list includes 1) no additional regulatory authority over our industry; 2) language clarifying that the Wire Act does not apply to wagers made permissible under the Interstate Horseracing Act because the new bill would amend the federal Wire Act, making horse racing’s current protection vulnerable; 3)... ...

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Breeders’ Cup Pair in King Glorious

INGLEWOOD, Calif. (Dec. 13, 2012) – Breeders’ Cup participants Hazardous and Monument return to the state-bred ranks in Sunday’s $200,000 King Glorious Stakes for 2-year-olds eligible for the Golden State Series at Hollywood Park. Lovmeister is by Nineeleven, out of the West by West mare Walk West, was bred by Terry Lovingier, is owned by London, Winters Templeton Horses and Lovingier and is trained by Walther Solis. He has one win in eight starts, earnings of $80,410 and is coming off a third in a Nov. 15 allowance. Hazardous is by Candy Ride, out of the Malek mare Malley Girl, was bred by Nick Alexander, is owned by Vegas Racing Team and trained by Carl O’Callaghan. He has two wins in four starts, earnings of $54,380 and is coming off a fourth in the Nov. 2 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Sprint. Awesome Annie is a filly by Awesome Gambler, out of the Mane Minister mare Cars and Cigars, was bred by Terry Lovingier, is owned by London, Winters, Templeton Horses and... ...

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Doinghardtimeagain Wins Soviet Problem

INGLEWOOD, Calif. (Dec. 9, 2012) – Doinghardtimeagain passed odds-on favorite Home Journey turning for home and ran off with Sunday’s $200,000 Soviet Problem Stakes for 2-year-old fillies eligible for the Golden State Series at Hollywood Park. Doinghardtimeagain is by Ministers Wild Cat, out of the Conquistador Cielo mare Silver Hawk Lady, was bred by owner Tommy Town Thoroughbreds and is trained by Jerry Hollendorfer. She has two wins in four starts, earnings of $198,500 and was coming off a maiden win in her third start Nov. 9. She ran the seven furlongs in 1:23.93 and won by 2 ¼ lengths at odds of 6-1. Unusual Way was second and Awe Golly Molly third in the seven-horse field. “The race came up exactly how I thought it would,’’ said jockey Martin Garcia. “There were a few speed horses and I wanted to lay on the outside where she could be really comfortable. I just let her pick it up on her own. The only thing I didn’t want to do was... ...

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Tilde Seeks Division Title in Soviet Problem

INGLEWOOD, Calif. (Dec. 6, 2012) – Tilde seeks to lock up a California-bred division championship with a win in Sunday’s $200,000 Soviet Problem Stakes for Golden State Series eligible 2-year-old fillies at Betfair Hollywood Park. Tilde is by Swiss Yodeler, out of the Cee’s Tizzy mare Self Taught, was bred by Revocable Trust of Mikel and Patricia Harrington, is owned by Mike Harrington Trustee and trained by Mike Harrington. She has four wins in six starts, earnings of $332,560 and is coming off a sixth in the Nov. 11 Sharp Cat. Unusual Way is by Unusual Heat, out of the Great Above mare Way Up, was bred by Thomas Bachman, is owned by Edward Brown Jr. and Philip Lebherz and is trained by Jeff Bonde. The $65,000 Barretts purchase has three wins in five starts, earnings of $145,610 and is coming off a win in the Nov. 3 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Filly Sprint Preview. Tribal Custom is a Kentucky-bred daughter of Tribal Rule, out of the Bertrando mare Villa Marqurite,... ...

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2012 Northern California Sale Outs

CTBA Northern California Yearling Sale 2012 Northern California Yearling Sale Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, California Tuesday, August 14, 2012. The closing date for entries is April 9. For further information contact Cookie Hackworth at 626-445-7800 ext. 243 or email cookie@ctba.com List of outs: Hip#’s 9, 20, 24, 29, 32, 34, 46, 49, 50, 52, 62 and 75 ...

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2012 Northern California Sale Index to Photographs

Sam Hendricks, Agent for Americana Films 21 Michael’s Music by Student Council out of Fightin the System IMAGE HERE Woodbridge Farm, Agent 4 Dark Bay or Brown Filly by Tannersmyman out of Alpenwald IMAGE HERE 5 Bay Filly by Tannersmyman out of Anna T IMAGE HERE 28 What’s the Rush by Southern Image out of Gemstone Rush IMAGE HERE 33 Grand Pulpit by Lucky Pulpit out of Granny Got Game IMAGE HERE 42 Boston Charley by Rocky Bar out of Iza Bon Bon IMAGE HERE 51 Chestnut Colt by Tannersmyman out of Ma Ka Bet IMAGE HERE 52 Dark Bay or Brown Filly by Tannersmyman out of Major Issue IMAGE HERE 69 Chestnut Colt by Tannersmyman out of Ready Maid IMAGE HERE 82 Showmeister by Tannersmyman out of Show Bug IMAGE HERE 87 Chestnut Colt by Tannersmyman out of Spring Vacation IMAGE HERE 102 Bay Colt by Idiot Proof out of When and Where IMAGE HERE 103 Chestnut Filly by Tannersmyman out of Wild Reflection IMAGE HERE 107 Chestnut Filly... ...

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2012 Northern California Sale Index to Sires

Awesome Gambler: Colt, 98. Bedford Falls: Filly, 67. Benchmark: Colt, 40. Bluegrass Cat: Filly, 49. Brave Cat: Filly, 18. Bushwacker: Colt, 88. Filly, 84, 91. Cee’s Tizzy: Colt, 64. Comic Strip: Colt, 55, 59. Filly, 95. Crossword: Filly, 62. Decarchy: Filly, 72. Desert Code: Colt, 73, 75, 104. Filly, 13, 15, 24, 32, 76. Don’tsellmeshort: Colt, 1, 12, 16, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 45. Filly, 11, 30, 38, 58. Drum Major: Filly, 31. Flame Thrower: Colt, 2, 8A. Filly, 47. Globalize: Filly, 93. High Brite: Filly, 43. Idiot Proof: Colt, 90, 102. Filly, 83. Iron Cat: Colt, 63. Filly, 20. Kafwain: Colt, 57, 105. Lucky J. H.: Colt, 3, 14. Filly, 44. Lucky Pulpit: Colt, 33, 86. Filly, 92. Northern Devil: Filly, 23, 26. Old Topper: Colt, 56. Papa Clem: Colt, 9. Filly, 17. Pollard’s Vision: Colt, 46. Rio Verde: Colt, 77. Rocky Bar: Colt, 42. Sea of Secrets: Colt, 39. Siberian Summer: Colt, 81. Singletary: Colt, 85. Filly, 60, 96. Southern Africa: Colt, 7. Southern Image: Colt, 28.... ...

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2012 Northern California Sale Index to Dams

Adance: 1. Ai Se Va: 2. Almost Midnight: 3. Alpenwald: 4. Anna T: 5. Back Door Girl: 6. Be Right Back: 7. Bennozzo: 8. Bye Bye Boo Boo: 8A Candi Capri: 9. Chabuka: 10. Charm Alone: 11. Charming Surprise: 12. Cinder Girl: 13. Ciste (IRE): 14. Closing Steps: 15. Cool Miss Ann: 16. Desert Pearls: 17. Ducks On the Pond: 18. Enid: 19. Excess Lady: 20. Fightin the System: 21. Five o’Clock Toddy: 22. Flor de Forestal: 23. Flying Maxine: 24. Freedom’s Spirit: 25. Fresadora: 26. Gamblewithmyheart: 27. Gemstone Rush: 28. Geri’s Princess: 29. Golden Genes: 30. Gone Western: 31. Gonna Be a Beaute: 32. Granny Got Game: 33. Hot Sea: 34. Icy n’ Elegant: 35. Icy Streak: 36. Ima Princess Royal: 37. Improvisation: 38. Improvising Gal: 39. Isit Still Legal: 40. It’s Twilight Time: 41. Iza Bon Bon: 42. Judys House: 43. Jump: 44. Kalihi Maggie: 45. Kalookan Dream: 46. Knight Olympienne: 47. Lady Bradbury: 48. License to Speed: 49. Lil Barhop: 50. Ma Ka Bet: 51. Major Issue:... ...

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2012 Northern California Sale Index to Consignors

Cheryl Bigon, Agent 2 Dark Bay or Brown Colt by Flame Thrower out of Ai Se Va 43 Gray or Roan Filly by High Brite out of Judys House 56 Top This by Old Topper out of Money for Madrid 57 Zenn Again by Kafwain out of Ms Zenna 105 Makeupyurmind by Kafwain out of Yesnoyesno   C-Punch Ranch, Inc. 3 Bay Colt by Lucky J. H. out of Almost Midnight 14 Bay Colt by Lucky J. H. out of Ciste (IRE) 17 Dark Bay or Brown Filly by Papa Clem out of Desert Pearls 85 Bay Colt by Singletary out of Special Smoke   Green Acre Stables, Inc. (Jack & Barb Hatch), Agent 46 Visionary Dreamer by Pollard’s Vision out of Kalookan Dream   Green Acre Stables, Inc. (Jack & Barb Hatch), Agent for SLU, Inc. 10 Skill Set by Zanjero out of Chabuka   Green Acre Stables, Inc. (Jack & Barb Hatch), Agent for Vera A. Holloway 67 Mystical Prize by Bedford Falls out of Prizes Are Lovely... ...

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$250,000 Bob Benoit Cal Cup Juvenile MONUMENT

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 13, 2012) – Monument put away Strong Wind at the top of the stretch and won Saturday’s $250,000 Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile for 2-year-olds at Santa Anita, part of the Golden State Series. Monument is by Cindago, out of the Beautiful Crown mare Grant Marty a Wish, was bred by Lee and Susan Searing, is owned by CRK Stable, trained by John Sadler and was ridden by Martin Garcia. “I think he looked too much at the people in the grandstands,” Garcia said of Monument’s erratic path in the stretch. “I had a lot of horse, that’s why he had time to look around. This was the fist time he’s run at a distance, and it looks like he likes it.” Monument has three wins and a second in four starts, earnings of $193,500 and was coming off a second in the Sept. 12 C.B. Afflerbaugh. “I want to recognize bob Benoit, who was ass good a guy as there was to have at your race... ...

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$250,000 Bob Benoit Cal Cup Juvenile MONUMENT

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 13, 2012) – Monument put away Strong Wind at the top of the stretch and won Saturday’s $250,000 Bob Benoit California Cup Juvenile for 2-year-olds at Santa Anita, part of the Golden State Series. Monument is by Cindago, out of the Beautiful Crown mare Grant Marty a Wish, was bred by Lee and Susan Searing, is owned by CRK Stable, trained by John Sadler and was ridden by Martin Garcia. “I think he looked too much at the people in the grandstands,” Garcia said of Monument’s erratic path in the stretch. “I had a lot of horse, that’s why he had time to look around. This was the fist time he’s run at a distance, and it looks like he likes it.” Monument has three wins and a second in four starts, earnings of $193,500 and was coming off a second in the Sept. 12 C.B. Afflerbaugh. “I want to recognize bob Benoit, who was ass good a guy as there was to have at your race... ...

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$100,000 John Deere Cal Cup Distaff (1st Div.) TIZ FLIRTATIOUS

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 13, 2012) – Favored Tiz Flirtatious returned from a nine-month break with an explosive stretch run to win Saturday’s first division of the $100,000 John Deere Cal Cup Distaff for fillies and mares at Santa Anita. Cat’s Cradle Stakes winner Tiz Flirtatious is a 4-year-old by Tizbud, out of the Victory Gallop mare Masquerade Belle, was bred by owner Pamela Ziebarth, trained by Martin Jones and ridden by Joel Rosario. “She’s a pretty nice filly,” said Rosario. “I’ve rode her before and she acted really good last time I rode her. She was still rank in her last race, maybe that’s why she got tired. Today she was really relaxed and she covered a lot of ground when I asked her to run. She looked good.” She has four wins in five starts, earnings of $194,800 and was coming off a third in the Jan. 22 La Canada. In her grass debut, Tiz Flirtatious ran the about 6 ½ furlongs on the hillside turf course in 1:11.70... ...

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$100,000 Donald Valpredo Cal Cup Sprint MAUI MARK

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 13, 2012) – Maui Mark returned from a three-month layoff to New York by rallying to win Saturday’s $100,000 Donald Valpredo Cal Cup Sprint at Santa Anita. Maui Mark is by Unusual Heat, out of the Man From Eldorado mare Dalymount, was bred by Fast Lane Farms, is owned by Carter or Galea, trained by Robert Hess Jr. and was ridden by Garrett Gomez. “I’m just proud of the horse,” said Hess after his first Cal Cup win. “It’s my first and that means a ton and especially with Mr. Valpredo, we go way back. It’s a real honor.” Claimed for $20,000 six races back, Maui Mark has 10 wins in 26 starts, earnings of $364,568 and was coming off a fifth in a July 25 starter handicap at Saratoga. This was his fifth win in nine races at Santa Anita. “We claimed him, took him East, did pretty well, then he injured himself (pulled left stifle),” said Hess. “So we brought him home and freshened him... ...

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$100,000 John Deere Cal Cup Distaff (2nd Div.) BELLA VIAGGIA

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 13, 2012) – Longshot Bella Viaggia ran her win streak to three with an impressive turf debut in Saturday’s second division of the $100,000 John Deere Distaff for fillies and mares at Santa Anita. Bella Viaggia is by Good Journey, out of the American Chance mare Miss Del Mar, was bred by Leatherman Racing, is owned by SLO Racing Stable, trained by Mike Puype and was ridden by Joe Talamo. “The rail opened up good and we just shot on through,” said Talamo. She has three wins in four starts, earnings of $155,000 and was coming off a win in an Aug. 31 optional claimer. “She has a great future,” said Puype. “When horses want to win like that, and they come out running, those are seasoned horses. She showed a big race today to be like that.” Bella Viaggia ran the about 6 ½ furlongs down the hillside turf course in 1:12.02 and won by 1 ½ lengths at odds of 9-1. Missdealornodeal was second and... ...

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$175,000 Lava Man Cal Cup Classic LUCKY PRIMO

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 13, 2012) – Lucky Primo, runner-up in this race last year, scored his second career California Cup victory by winning Saturday’s $175,000 Lava Man Cal Cup Classic, presented by City National Bank, at Santa Anita. Lucky Primo is a 6-year-old gelding by Atticus, out of the Personal Flag mare Live Free or Die, was bred by Joshua Litt, Jason Litt and Dennis O’Neill, is owned by JBK Stable and Jason Litt, trained by Joshua Litt and was ridden by Tyler Baze. “We go race by race with him,” said Joshua Litt. “If he’s good enough we’ll go on with him. Sometimes you have to give him time off. He’s just a solid, solid Cal-bred. Look at the size of him. He’s a big, huge horse, tries really hard, he’s extremely talented. “He’s always had soundness issues. For us, we hope to make it to these races, so we kind of strategize it so we can make it here in pretty good shape.” Lucky Primo has six wins... ...

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$250,000 Keith E. Card Cal Cup Juvenile Fillies TILDE

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 13, 2012) – Favored Tilde prevailed in a stretch-long duel with longshot Doinghardtimeagain to run her win streak to three in Saturday’s $250,000 Keith E. Card Cal Cup Juvenile Fillies at Santa Anita, part of the Golden State Series. Tilde is by Swiss Yodeler, out of the Cee’s Tizzy mare Self Taught, was bred by Revocable Trust of Mike Harrington and Patricia Harrington, is owned by Mike Harrington Trustee, trained by Mike Harrington and was ridden by Rafael Bejarano. “This new Cal-bred deal is fantastic,” said Mike Harrington. “I don’t think the purses are as big, but there are two more races for her – stakes, and you’d have tpo think that off this race, if she stays sound, she’ll be tough in both of them.” Bejarano was impressed with the winner. “As soon as I came to the stretch I let her go and she came running,” said Bejarano. “She was flying in the end. This is a good filly. She’s getting better. This was her... ...

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Bloodhorse on Cal Cup Recap

By Bloodhorse ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 13, 2012) — Jockey Tyler Baze, sidelined since August 2011 due to substance abuse problems, earned his first stakes victory since returning to action a week ago, guiding Lucky Primo to victory in the $175,000 Lava Man California Cup Classic Oct. 13 at Santa Anita Park. http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/73545/tyler-baze-back-on… ...

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Cal Cup Juvenile Draws Strong Wind

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 10, 2012) – Strong Wind is the lone stakes winner entered in Saturday’s $250,000 Bob Benoit Cal Cup Juvenile for 2-year-olds at Santa Anita, part of the Golden State Series. Warren’s Rocky is by Affirmative, out of the Awesome Again mare Awesome Rock, was bred by Benjamin Warren, is owned by Ben and Sally Warren and trained by Craig Lewis. He has one win in two starts, earnings of $17,600 and is coming off a second in a Sept. 30 starter’s allowance. Graduation Stakes winner Strong Wind is by Tribal Rule, out of the Memo mare Chalk Face, was bred by Mark Tatch, is owned by Roncelli Family Trust and Bill and Sue Tomasic and is trained by Steve Knapp. The $24,000 Barretts purchase has two wins in six starts, earnings of $124,360 and is coming off a third in the Sept. 3 I’m Smokin. The Humancomplaint is by Tribal Rule, out of the Boundary mare Holiday Sale, was bred by Jack and Barbara Hatch Living Trust,... ...

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Mensa Heat Tries Sprint Again

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 10, 2012) – Mensa Heat is the high career earner of 10 entered in Saturday’s $100,000 Donald Valpredo Cal Cup Sprint at Santa Anita. Maui Mark is by Unusual Heat, out of the Man From Eldorado mare Dalymount, was bred by Fast Lane Farms, is owned by Michael Carter and trained by Robert Hess Jr. He has nine wins in 25 starts, earnings of $304,568 and is coming off a fifth in a July 25 starter handicap at Saratoga. Bench Points is by Benchmark, out of the Free House mare Mo Chuisle, was bred by Gary Rocks, is owned by Crevier, Mariani, Martin and Zuraitis and trained by Tim Yakteen. He has five wins in 13 starts, earnings of $294,510 and is coming off a fifth in the Sept. 5 Pirate’s Bounty. Mensa Heat is by Unusual Heat, out of the Ole mare Chi Chi Nette, was bred by Madeline Auerbach and David Abrams, is owned by Randall Ho, Westside Rentals.com and trainer Doug O’Neill. He has... ...

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Willa B Awesome in Distaff

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 10, 2012) – Grade I winner Willa B Awesome, second in last year’s Cal Cup Juvenile Fillies, is the leading money earner of 11 entered in Saturday’s second division of the $100,000 John Deere Distaff for fillies and mares at Santa Anita. Bella Viaggia is by Good Journey, out of the American Chance mare Miss Del Mar, was bred by Leatherman Racing, is owned by SLO Racing Stable and trained by Mike Puype. She has two wins in three starts, earnings of $95,000 and is coming off a win in an Aug. 31 optional claimer. Cayanna is by Cayoke, out of the Starborough mare Just Like That, was bred by Michael House, is owned by Oak Valley Stable, William Buster, David Johnson and Lo Hi Stable and is trained by Mike Machowsky. She has three wins in 15 starts, earnings of $190,050 and is coming off a second in an Oct. 4 claimer. Fabulous Fit is by Marino Marini, out of the Fighting Fit mare Fitting, was... ...

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Tilde Eyes Juvenile Fillies

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 10, 2012) – Multiple stakes winner Tilde seeks her richest win yet in Saturday’s $250,000 Keith E. Card Cal Cup Juvenile Fillies at Santa Anita, part of the Golden State Series. Doinghardtimeagain is by Ministers Wild Cat, out of the Conquistador Cielo mare Silver Hawk Lady, was bred by owner Tommy Town Thoroughbreds and is trained by Jerry Hollendorfer. She is a maiden making her second start with $14,000 earnings and is coming off a second in an Aug. 26 debut. Warren’s Sugarbuzz is by Affirmative, out of the Thunder Gulch mare Warren’s Thunder, was bred by owner Benjamin Warren and trained by Jorge Gutierrez. She has two wins in five starts, earnings of $36,700 and is coming off a consecutive wins. Cotton’s Point is by Salt Lake, out of the Smart Strike mare Smart’n Striking, was bred by Adrian Gonzalez, is owned by Gonzalez, Bolton, Peskoff and Summit Racing and is trained by Jeff Bonde. The Barretts graduate is a maiden making her fifth start with... ...

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John Scott, Lucky Primo in Cal Cup Classic

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 10, 2012) – Win machine John Scott and last year’s runner-up, Lucky Primo, are among the entries in Saturday’s $175,000 Lava Man Cal Cup Classic, presented by City National Bank, at Santa Anita. Holladay Road is by Street Cry, out of the Great Commotion mare Blending Element, was bred by Williamson Racing, is owned by Gary and Wendy Broad and is trained by Julio Canani. He has seven wins in 18 starts, earnings of $355,252 and is coming off a third in the Sept. 1 Harry F. Brubaker.  He was third in this race last year. Got Even is by Stephen Got Even, out of the Blare of Trumpets mare Kathryns Birthday, was bred by Madera Thoroughbreds, is owned by Altamira Racing, Bruce Chandler and F U Stables and is trained by Peter Miller. The $14,000 Barretts purchase has three wins in 13 starts, earnings of $152,600 and is coming off a fourth in the Sept. 9 Jim Kostoff. Rousing Sermon is by Lucky Pulpit, out of... ...

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Strong Wind Seeks Cal Cup Riches

By DRF.com ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 9, 2012) — In the six weeks since he finished third in the I’m Smokin Stakes at Del Mar on Labor Day, Strong Wind is a changed colt. http://www.drf.com/news/santa-anita-notes-strong-wind-going-long-cal-cup…     ...

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Rosario Returns for Cal Cup

From Santa Anita Publicity ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 8, 2012) — Ten-time Southern California riding king Joel Rosario will return to Santa Anita Saturday to ride on California Cup Day XXIII, agent Ron Anderson said by phone Monday morning from New York. “We’re looking forward to coming back,” said Anderson, a world-class agent who has represented the likes of Jerry Bailey, Gary Stevens and Garrett Gomez. “We’ll also be at Santa Anita the week of the Breeders’ Cup (World Championships on Nov. 2 and 3).” Rosario, a native of the Dominican Republic who turns 28 on Jan. 14, has been represented by Anderson for just under two months. During that span, Rosario has won two Grade I, $1 million races, the Pacific Classic on Dullahan and the Jockey Club Gold Cup aboard Flat Out. “He won three races yesterday (at Belmont Park),” Anderson said. “We’re making progress together and moving forward. He’s a great rider and a very personable kid.” Among Rosario’s scheduled California Cup mounts are Bert’s Altercation in the... ...

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Holladay Road on Cal Cup Track

From Santa Anita Publicity ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 8, 2012) — Holladay Road is not the type of horse that has to carry his track around with him. That’s why trainer Julio Canani is cautiously optimistic that the 7-year-old Street Cry gelding will perform admirably in Saturday’s $175,000 Lava Man California Cup Classic presented by City National Bank at 1 1/16 miles. “He won the Crystal Water on this track, so he handles dirt,” Canani said. “I ran him a mile at Del Mar and he finished third (in the Brubaker) and (Joe) Talamo wanted to ride him back. I take that as a good sign.” Owned by Gary and Wendy Broad, Holladay Road has a 7-1-4 record from 18 career starts, with earnings of $355,252. He was fourth in the Grade I Santa Anita Handicap in March, beaten five lengths by Ron the Greek. Holladay Road was third by a neck in last year’s Cal Cup Classic, behind Norvsky and Lucky Primo in a blanket finish. Probable for the Classic:... ...

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Four Regular Noms for Cal Cup

ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 7, 2012) – A total of four regular nominations were received Saturday for the $1 million California Cup XXIII, to be run Saturday, Oct. 13 at Santa Anita. All nominations with past performances are listed here. The maiden Real Heat was added to the $250,000 Bob Benoit Juvenile; Tasty Treat was nominated to the $125,000 John Deere Distaff; Maui Mark (whose last three races were in New York) and Obsess, a Kentucky-bred son of Roar, were added to the $100,000 Donald Valpredo Sprint. The four regular nominations join 114 early nominations for the five main stakes races on the $1 million Cal Cup card. All nominations with past performances are listed here. The California Cup XXIII Party theme this year is “Remembering Lava Man Two Time California Horse Of the Year.” The price of a 10-seat table is $850 and includes valet parking, admission, race program, giveaway item Doug O’Neill bobblehead and Santa Anita Park’s widely acclaimed buffet. Hours for buffet service are 11 a.m. to 3... ...

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John Scott Preps for Breeders’ Cup

By DRF.com ARCADIA, Calif. (Oct. 11, 2012) – It will take all of the Santa Anita autumn meeting for John Scott to achieve the goals expected of him. http://www.drf.com/news/santa-anita-john-scott-looks-tough-california-cu… ...

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114 Cal Cup Early Nominations Filed

ARCADIA, Calif. (Sept. 21, 2012) – A total of 114 early nominations were received for the five main stakes races on the $1 million California Cup XXIII card, to be run Oct. 13 at Santa Anita. Regular nominations with past performances are listed here. Heading the list of 17 nominations for the $175,000 Lava Man Cal Cup Classic, presented by City National Bank, is defending champion Norvsky, along with top stakes horses Rousing Sermon and John Scott. There will be a pair of 2-year-old races, each with purses boosted to $250,000 as part of the Golden State Series. The $250,000 Keith E. Card Cal Cup Juvenile Fillies has 20 nominations, headed by the talented Tilde. The $250,000 Bob Benoit Cal Cup Juvenile has 19 nominations, headed by promising winners Gervinho, Life a Riley and The Humancomplaint. The $125,000 John Deere Cal Cup Distaff has the most nominations, 41, and they include graded winners Halo Dolly, Willa B Awesome and Teddy’s Promise. The $100,000 Donald Valpredo Cal Cup Sprint, always one... ...

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All Nominations for Cal Cup XXIII

$175,000 Lava Man Cal Cup Classic presented by City National Bank for 3 Yrs. & Up at 1 1/16 mile. NOMINATIONS   PP’s $125,000 John Deere Cal Cup Distaff for Fillies & Mares, 3 Yrs. & Up, about 6 1/2 furlongs (Turf). NOMINATIONS   PP’S $100,000 Donald Valpredo Cal Cup Sprint for 3 Yrs. & Up at 6 furlongs. NOMINATIONS   PP’s $250,000 Bob Benoit Cal Cup Juvenile for Colts & Geldings, 2 Yrs., 1 1/16 mile. NOMINATIONS   PP’s $250,000 Keith E. Card Cal Cup Juvenile Fillies for Fillies, 2 Yrs., 1 1/16 mile. NOMINATIONS  PP’s     ...

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Golden State Series Stakes at Betfair Hollywood Park

By Bloodhorse.com INGLEWOOD, Calif. (Sept. 20, 2012) — The $750,000-guaranteed CashCall Futurity (gr. I), an annual stop for future Triple Crown contenders, will once again be the most lucrative event on the stakes calendar for the 2012 autumn meet at Betfair Hollywood Park. Two additions to the calendar are the $200,000 Soviet Problem Stakes for 2-year-old fillies bred in California and the $200,000 King Glorious Stakes for California bred 2-year-olds. The pair of seven-furlong contests are part of the Golden State Series, a 27-race program for horses bred in the state. The Soviet Problem is scheduled for Dec. 9 while the King Glorious is the closing day feature. A total of 18 stakes races with purses of more than $3.8 million are scheduled for the 24-day season, which begins Nov. 8 and continues through Dec. 16. The meet’s license application was approved Sept. 20 by the California Horse Racing Board. Three other fixtures on the autumn schedule received sizable increases. The Hollywood Starlet (gr. I), which was $250,000 guaranteed in... ...

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Cal Cup Late Closing Oct. 6

ARCADIA, Calif. (Sept. 20, 2012) – The late closing date for nominations to the Oct. 13 California Cup XXIII is Saturday, Oct. 6. Regular nominations with past performances are listed here. The fee for late closing is $1,000 per nomination. Early-bird nominations have been eliminated. The event, exclusively for horses bred or sired in California, will have total purses available of more than $1 million. There will be five stakes races: $175,000 Lava Man Cal Cup Classic presented by City National Bank for 3 Yrs. & Up at 1 1/16 mile. $125,000 John Deere Cal Cup Distaff for Fillies & Mares, 3 Yrs. & Up, about 6 1/2 furlongs (Turf). $100,000 Donald Valpredo Cal Cup Sprint for 3 Yrs. & Up at 6 furlongs. $250,000 Bob Benoit Cal Cup Juvenile for Colts & Geldings, 2 Yrs., 1 1/16 mile. $250,000 Keith E. Card Cal Cup Juvenile Fillies for Fillies, 2 Yrs., 1 1/16 mile. California Cup XXIII Party theme this year is “Remembering Lava Man Two Time California Horse Of... ...

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Cal Cup Early Closing Sept. 19

ARCADIA, Calif. (Sept. 13, 2012) – The early closing date for nominations to the Oct. 13 California Cup XXIII is Wednesday, Sept. 19. The late closing date is Saturday, Oct. 6. The fee for early closing is $100 per nomination; the fee for late closing is $1,000 per nomination. Early-bird nominations have been eliminated. The event, exclusively for horses bred or sired in California, will have total purses available of more than $1 million. There will be five stakes races: $175,000 Lava Man Cal Cup Classic presented by City National Bank for 3 Yrs. & Up at 1 1/16 mile. $125,000 John Deere Cal Cup Distaff for Fillies & Mares, 3 Yrs. & Up, about 6 1/2 furlongs (Turf). $100,000 Donald Valpredo Cal Cup Sprint for 3 Yrs. & Up at 6 furlongs. $250,000 Bob Benoit Cal Cup Juvenile for Colts & Geldings, 2 Yrs., 1 1/16 mile. $250,000 Keith E. Card Cal Cup Juvenile Fillies for Fillies, 2 Yrs., 1 1/16 mile. California Cup XXIII Party theme this year... ...

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Native Treasure Leads Tribal Rule Sweep

DEL MAR, Calif. (Sept. 3, 2012) – Longshot Native Treasure ran off to a front-running score in Monday’s $150,000 I’m Smokin Stakes for Golden State Series eligible 2-year-olds, leading a sweep by progeny of stallion Tribal Rule. Native Treasure is out of the Bertrando mare Visual Treat, was bred by Pam & Marty Wygod, is owned by Heeq, Moger, Neary, Walker et al and is trained by Ed Moger Jr. “I knew it was going to be a tough race, and I knew he’s a gutty horse. I knew that if he’s good enough and he’s on the lead he’s going to turn them back because he runs really hard,” said Moger. “I could see coming around the turn that those horses were kind of struggling behind him and I thought, ‘Oh, shoot, he may keep on going.’ ” He has two wins in five starts, earnings of $138,330 and was coming off a fourth in the Aug. 12 Cavonnier. Native Treasure ran the six furlongs in 1:09.69 and won... ...

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Tilde, Lovingier Quartet in Generous Portion

DEL MAR, Calif. (Aug. 25, 2012) – CTBA Stakes winner Tilde takes on a field that includes four entrants bred by Terry Lovingier in Wednesday’s $150,000 Generous Portions Stakes for Golden State Series eligible 2-year-old fillies at Del Mar. Bert’s Altarcation is by Bertrando, out of the Pulpit mare Altar Cat, was bred by TPar Two, is owned by Emily Wygod and trained by Martin Jones. She won her lone start July 14 and has earnings of $30,000. O Happy Gray is by Cee’s Tizzy, out of the Swiss Yodeler mare I Can Yodele, was bred by Heinz Steinmann, is owned by Heinz, Michelle and Michelle Steinmann and trained by Mike Harrington. She has one win in four starts, earnings of $53,960 and is coming off a seventh in the Aug. 7 Sorrento. Awesome Annie is by Awesome Gambler, out of the Mane Minister mare Cars and Cigars, was bred by Terry Lovingier, is owned by London, Winters, Templeton Horses and Lovingier and is trained by Walther Solis. She is... ...

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Lava Man Saluted at Cal Cup Party

ARCADIA, Calif. (Aug. 21, 2012) – The $1 million California Cup XXIII, to be held Saturday, Oct. 13 at Santa Anita, will salute two-time horse of the year Lava Man at the infield theme party. The price of a 10-seat table to the infield party costs $850 and includes valet parking, admission, race program, a giveaway Doug O’Neill bobblehead and Santa Anita Park’s widely acclaimed buffet. Hours for buffet service are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. with coffee and desserts served until the last race. Please call or email Cookie Hackworth at cookie@ctba.com or call 800-573-2822 or x243. Here’s the lineup of the five major stakes races for horses bred or sired in California: $175,000 Lava Man Cal Cup Classic presented by City National Bank for 3 Yrs. & Up at 1 1/16 mile. $125,000 John Deere Cal Cup Distaff for Fillies & Mares, 3 Yrs. & Up, about 6 1/2 furlongs (Turf). $100,000 Donald Valpredo Cal Cup Sprint for 3 Yrs. & Up at 6 furlongs. $250,000 Bob Benoit... ...

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Strong Wind a Strong Winner

From DMTC Publicity DEL MAR, Calif. (Aug. 1, 2012) — Strong Wind, a speedy California-bred son of Tribal Rule ridden by Kevin Krigger, shook off 3-2 favored Law Dog entering the stretch and went on to score an easy, 4 ¼ length triumph in the featured $100,000 Graduation Stakes for Golden State Series-eligible California-bred two-year-olds Wednesday at Del Mar. Strong Wind is out of the Memo mare Chalk Face, was bred by Mark Tatch, is owned by Roncelli Family Trust and Tomasic and trained by Steve Knapp. He has two wins in five starts, earnings of $105,360 and was coming off a fourth in the July 14 Hollywood Juvenile. “There’s so much money in the Cal-bred (restricted) stakes I don’t know why we would want to go against open company at this point,” said Knapp.  “I think he can really run.” Showing sharp speed from the break, Strong Wind dueled with Law Dog and opened up once straightened away in the stretch to score in 1:04.14 for the 5 ½... ...

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Stakes-winning Field for Real Good Deal

DEL MAR, Calif. (July 30, 2012) – Five stakes winners are among the eight entered in Friday’s $200,000 Real Good Deal Stakes for Golden State Series eligible 3-year-olds at Del Mar. Rousing Sermon is by Lucky Pulpit, out of the Awesome Again mare Rousing Again, was bred by owners Mr. and Mrs. Larry Williams and is trained by Jerry Hollendorfer. The California Cup Juvenile winner has two wins in 11 starts, earnings of $413,000 and is coming off a fourth in the July 4 Swaps Stakes. A Toast to You is by Tribal Rule, out of the Apollo mare Whitewinesipper, was bred by Hidden Meadows Farm, is owned by Gary Barber and trained by Peter Miller. He has four wins in six starts, earnings of $169,900 and is coming off a July 20 optional claimer win. Got Even is by Stephen Got Even, out of the Blare of Trumpets mare Kathryns Birthday, was bred by Madera Thoroughbreds, is owned by Altamira Racing, Bruce Chandler and F U Stables and is... ...

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Graduation Stakes Draws Compact Field

DEL MAR, Calif. (July 29, 2012) – A pair of California-breds coming out of the Hollywood Juvenile are part of a compact field that will contest Wednesday’s $100,000 Graduation Stakes for Golden State Series eligible 2-year-olds at Del Mar. Strong Wind is by Tribal Rule, out of the Memo mare Chalk Face, was bred by Mark Tatch, is owned by Roncelli Family Trust and Bill and Sue Tomasic and is trained by Steve Knapp. He has one win in four starts, earnings of $48,360 and is coming off a fourth in the July 14 Hollywood Juvenile. Just Call Me Al is by Redattore, out of the Allen’s Prospect mare Alarcity, was bred by the Revocable Trust of Dr. Mikel Harrington and Patricia Harrington, is owned by Mike Harrington Trust and trained by Mike Harrington. He has one win in three starts, earnings of $60,560 and is coming off a third in the July 14 Hollywood Juvenile. Lovmeister is by Nineeleven, out of the West by West mare Walk West, was... ...

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Starlight Magic Wins Fleet Treat

DEL MAR, Calif. (July 28, 2012) – California Cup Juvenile Fillies champion Starlight Magic rallied gamely in the stretch to win Saturday’s $200,000 Fleet Treat Stakes for 3-year-old fillies eligible to the Golden State Series at Del Mar. Starlight Magic is by Marino Marini, out of the General Meeting mare Star’s Millennium, was bred by John and Diane Fradkin, is owned by Cory Wagner and is trained by Mark Glatt. She has four wins in nine starts, earnings of $322,900 and was coming off a fifth in the June 23 American Oaks. She ran the seven furlongs in 1:23.57 and won by one-half length at odds of 3-1. “The Torrey Pines ($100,000, Sunday, September 2) makes the most sense I think,” Glatt said of Starlight Magic’s next assignment. “We’ll see how it looks. “I was really confident. In the Hollywood Oaks she ran back 16 days after (her previous start) and it was a tough race. Obviously it was an easier race today and she had five weeks between races.... ...

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Cal Cup Closing Dates Announced

ARCADIA, Calif. (July 24, 2012) – There are two closing dates for nominations to the Oct. 13 California Cup XXIII at Santa Anita: early closing is Wednesday, Sept. 19 and late closing is Saturday, Oct. 6. The fee for early closing is $100 per nomination; the fee for late closing is $1,000 per nomination. Early-bird nominations have been eliminated. The event, exclusively for horses bred or sired in California, will have total purses available of more than $1 million. Details on race conditions and the annual Cal Cup Part will be announced at a later date.   ...

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Lucky Primo Aims for Cal Cup

By DRF.com DEL MAR, Calif. (July 17, 2012) — Lucky Primo, who returned from an eight-month layoff to win an allowance race on Saturday at Hollywood Park, will be pointed for the California Cup this fall, with just one start at Del Mar, trainer Joshua Litt said Tuesday. Litt and Marty Jones, who trained Lucky Primo for Litt earlier in his career, have done an outstanding job with Lucky Primo, who has had his career interrupted several times by injury. Litt said Lucky Primo came out of the race “not too bad, for him.” “He’s the kind of horse that always needs a lot of time to recover,” Litt said. “Ideally, I’d like to run him once at Del Mar, then give him about two months to train into the Cal Cup. He’s got a heart of gold.” A gelding, Lucky Primo, 6, has now won 5 times in 14 starts. He is one of just eight horses trained by Litt, whose small stable owns 7 wins in 21 starts... ...

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2012 NorCal Sale Catalog Online

PLEASANTON, Calif. (June 28, 2012) – The catalog is now online for the August 14th 2012 Northern California Yearling Sale. Click here for the catalog and supplemental entry form. This year’s sale will be held at the Alameda County Fairgrounds Tuesday, Aug. 14, beginning at noon. There are 99 yearlings cataloged, representing most of the top stallions in the state. Supplemental entries will be accepted until the day of the sale. Since the sale returned under the direction of the California Thoroughbred Breeders Association in 2004, it has produced stakes winners such as Bai and Bai, an earner of $724,983; Grade II winner Sierra Sunset; and Grade III winner Autism Awareness. For more information on the sale, contact Cookie Hackworth, CTBA Sales Coordinator, at cookie@ctba.com or 800-573-2822 ext. 243. ...

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Cal Cup XXIII Set for Oct. 13

ARCADIA, Calif. (June 25, 2012) – California Cup XXIII will be held Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012 at Santa Anita Park’s autumn meeting. The event, exclusively for horses bred or sired in California, will have total purses available between $800,000 and $1 million. Details on race conditions and the annual Cal Cup party will be announced at a later date. ...

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NorCal Sale Supplemental Entries Accepted

PLEASANTON, Calif. (June 5, 2012) — The 2012 Northern California Yearling Sale will be conducted on Tuesday, August 14 at Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton. Supplemental entries will be accepted until day of the sale. For more information, please contact Cookie Hackworth, California Thoroughbred Breeders Association Sales Coordinator, at cookie@ctba.com or 800-573-2822 ext. 243. Since the sale returned under the direction of the California Thoroughbred Breeders Association in 2004, it has produced stakes winners such as Bai and Bai, an earner of $724,983; Grade II winner Sierra Sunset; and Grade III winner Autism Awareness. ...

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Gold Rush 2012 Nominations and Past Performances

Gold Rush XIII for California-breds and California-sireds will be held at Hollywood Park on Saturday, April 28. Here are the Gold Rush 2012 Nominations and Past Performances. The eight stakes races with total purses over $1.1 million at Gold Rush XIII: SNOW CHIEF STAKES $300,000 — Three Year Olds, Bred in California One Mile & One Eighth (purse paid down to eighth place). Nominations   PPS MELAIR STAKES $300,000 — Fillies, Three Years Old, Bred in California One Mile & One Eighth (purse paid down to eighth place). Nominations   PPS B. THOUGHTFUL STAKES $125,000 — Fillies & Mares, Four Year Olds & Upward Bred in California Seven & One Half Furlongs. Nominations    PPS TIZNOW STAKES $125,000 — Four-Year-Olds & Upward, Bred in California Seven & One Half Furlongs. Nominations    PPS GREY MEMO STAKES $70,000 — Three-Year-Olds & Upward, Bred in California Seven Furlongs. Nominations   PPS WARREN’S THOROUGHBREDS STAKES $70,000 — F&M, Three-Year-Olds & Upward, Cal-Bred Seven Furlongs. Nominations    PPS NTRA STAKES $60,000 — Maiden Colts & Geldings, 3&Up,... ...

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NorCal Sale Entries Still Accepted

PLEASANTON, Calif. (Apr. 16, 2012) – The 2012 Northern California Yearling Sale will be conducted on Tuesday, August 14 at Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton.  Entries are currently being accepted for the catalog until June 4, and supplemental entries will be accepted until day of the sale. For more information, please contact Cookie Hackworth, California Thoroughbred Breeders Association Sales Coordinator, at cookie@ctba.com or 800-573-2822 ext. 243. Since the sale returned under the direction of the California Thoroughbred Breeders Association in 2004, it has produced stakes winners such as Bai and Bai, an earner of $724,983; Grade II winner Sierra Sunset; and Grade III winner Autism Awareness. ...

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Amazombie Among Gold Rush Noms

INGLEWOOD, Calif. (Apr. 10, 2012) – Eclipse Award winning sprinter Amazombie is among the nominees for Gold Rush XIII, a $1.1 million series of races exclusively for horses bred or sired in California, to be held at Hollywood Park Saturday, April 28. Gold Rush 2012 Nominations and Past Performances. Although Amazombie is nominated for the $125,000 Tiznow Stakes at 7 ½ furlongs, the richest races on the card are the $300,000 Snow Chief Stakes for 3-year-olds and the $300,000 Melair Stakes for 3-year-old fillies, both purses boosted by the new Golden State Series. The 2012 Golden State Series encompasses new stakes and purse enhancements to existing stakes totaling $2.325 million that will be jointly funded by the Thoroughbred Owners of California, the California Marketing Committee and through nominations of 2-year-olds in 2012. To encourage and reward participation, purse money will be distributed through sixth place in races with purses between $100,000-$150,000 and through eighth place in races with purses of $200,000-$300,000. The big name among the 18 nominees for the... ...

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Gold Rush Conditions

INGLEWOOD, Calif. (Mar. 12, 2012) – The 8 stakes program with total purses over $1.1 million at Gold Rush XIII for California-breds and California-sireds will be held at Hollywood Park on Saturday, April 28. Nominations closed Friday, April 6. The eight stakes races on the card: SNOW CHIEF STAKES $300,000 — Three Year Olds, Bred in California One Mile & One Eighth (purse paid down to eighth place). MELAIR STAKES $300,000 — Fillies, Three Years Old, Bred in California One Mile & One Eighth (purse paid down to eighth place). B. THOUGHTFUL STAKES $125,000 — Fillies & Mares, Four Year Olds & Upward Bred in California Seven & One Half Furlongs. TIZNOW STAKES $125,000 — Four-Year-Olds & Upward, Bred in California Seven & One Half Furlongs. GREY MEMO STAKES $70,000 — Three-Year-Olds & Upward, Bred in California Seven Furlongs. WARREN’S THOROUGHBREDS STAKES $70,000 — F&M, Three-Year-Olds & Upward, Cal-Bred Seven Furlongs. NTRA STAKES $60,000 — Maiden Colts & Geldings, 3&Up, Cal-Bred Six & One-Half Furlongs. ALPHABET KISSES STAKES $60,000 —... ...

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Northern California Yearling Sale Aug. 14

PLEASANTON, Calif. (Feb. 17, 2012) – The 2012 Northern California Yearling Sale will be held Tuesday, August 14, at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. Entry forms will be mailed March 16 and the closing date for entries is April 13. For more information, please contact Cookie Hackworth, California Thoroughbred Breeders Association Sales Coordinator, at cookie@ctba.com or 800-573-2822 ext. 243. Since the sale returned under the direction of the California Thoroughbred Breeders Association in 2004, it has produced stakes winners such as Bai and Bai, an earner of $724,983; Grade II winner Sierra Sunset; and Grade III winner Autism Awareness. ...

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