From CHRB SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Horse Racing Board conducted its regular meeting Thursday, March 24, at Cal Expo. Vice Chairman Richard Rosenberg presided. Commissioners Madeline Auerbach, Steve Beneto, and Jesse Choper also were in attendance. The audio of this entire Board meeting is available on the CHRB Website ( under the Webcast link. In brief: The Board approved the Sahara Dunes Casino (Lake Elsinore Hotel) to accept wagers on horse racing. Ten other minisatellites already are operating within California private businesses, such as card cards, sports bars, and restaurants, so this will be the 11th. Wagering also is offered at 29 other racetracks and simulcast facilities throughout the state. The Board approved for public notice a proposed regulatory amendment to both encourage the proper use of the whip and reduce its use in harness racing by, for example, prohibiting drivers from using the whip more than three times in succession without giving the horse a chance to respond. A similar rule governing use of the riding crop already... ...
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