CHRB Meeting Advisory


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (July 13, 2020) — The California Horse Racing Board will conduct a teleconference meeting on Thursday, July 16, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Consistent with Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, the meeting will be teleconference only and no physical location will be provided. The public is encouraged to participate in either of two ways: The webcast audio link on the CHRB website will continue to provide a way for the public to listen to the meeting. Furthermore, those wishing to speak during the meeting may dial 888-392-4564 and enter 6896291# to join the teleconference. To speak on any item, press star 1 to enter the speakers queue. Those providing unsolicited public comment on individual agenda items will be limited to two minutes. Note that for agenda item #15, Public Comment, no further comments will be permitted after 30 minutes. The agenda and package of materials for this teleconference meeting are available on the CHRB website.

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