Report of Mares Bred Report of Mares Bred THIS REPORT MUST BE FILED BY SEPTEMBER 1 EACH YEAR Name of Stallion: Season (Year): Stallion Standing at: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Email: Phone Number: Please enter as (xxx)xxx-xxxx Mares Name of Mare Owner of Mare First Date Bred (Enter as xx/xx/xxxx) Last Date Bred (Enter as xx/xx/xxxx) Please furnish this information Number of Mares Bred: Number of Mares Reported In Foal: Barren: Not Reported: Name: Owner Authorized Agent Signature: I certify that all information provided is correct Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone Number: Enter as (xxx)xxx-xxxx Stallion Information Name of Stallion: Year Foaled: Color: By: Out of: Sire of Dam: Stallion Owner's Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Email: Phone Number: Enter as (xxx)xxx-xxxx Name of Farm Where Stallion Will Stand Next Season: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone Number: Enter as (xxx)xxx-xxxx Please list below (in the appropriate section) the Thoroughbred stallions, if any, which you owned or boarded during the current calendar year and which are now: (1) Deceased: (2) Retired: (3) Not Being Bred to Thorougbred Mares: (4) Left the State: (Please indicate where and when sent) Submit