Broodmare Style of the Year Passes at 27

COALINGA, Calif. (Oct. 30, 2022) – Style of the Year, whose progeny included California-bred stakes winners Lennyfromalibu and Heat du Jour, passed away at age 27 at Harris Farms, according to a tweet from Harris Auerbach, racing manager for his mother, owner Madeline Auerbach.

“The end of an era is here- Yesterday, we lost Style of the Year at 27 to colic at Harris Farms,” Auerbach tweeted. “We raced her and she was the last of our original foundation mares for Unusual Heat. She had 15 foals, 3 stakes horses and has 5 current producing daughters. Rest easy sweet Style.”

Style of the Year, a daughter of Half a Year, was winless on the track, but as one of the Auerbachs’ foundation mares foaled 10 winners out of 15 babies, all sired by the Auerbachs’ Unusual Heat.

Lennyfromalibu won $442,165, Heat du Jour won $277,334 and Orbits World won $193,936.

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