CHRB Meeting Advisory


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Mar. 20, 2020) — The California Horse Racing Board will conduct a teleconference meeting on Thursday, March 26, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Consistent with the Governor’s recent Executive Order N-29-20, the meeting will be teleconference only and no physical location will be provided. The public is encouraged to participate in either of two ways: The webcast audio link on the CHRB website will continue to provide a way for the public to listen to the meeting. Furthermore, those wishing to speak during the meeting may dial 888-392-4564 and enter 6896291# when prompted. The operator will provide instructions to those wishing to speak on any agenda item. Note that for agenda item #17, Public Comment, each person will be limited to two minutes, and no further comments will be permitted after 30 minutes. The agenda and package of materials for this teleconference meeting are available on the CHRB website.

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